
Wednesday 28 October 2015

Spookily Scary Halloween Cupcakes

Helloooooooo every ghost and zombie and welcome to a spooktacular recipe that will freak your friends! 

You Will Need:

For The Spook-cakes:
  • 115g Unsalted Butter
  • 115g Self Raising Flour
  • 115g Caster Sugar  
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 tbsp milk
For the Blood Drizzle:
  • 1 tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 1 tbsp Caster Sugar
  • Red Food Colouring
For The Butter-scream:
  • 45g Unsalted Butter
  • 90g Icing Sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp Milk
  • Blood Red Food Colouring
  • Gummy Worms
  • Preheat your cauldron to 180 (fan) (gas mark 6 / 200C)

  • Line a baking tray with 12 creepy spook-cakes cases of your choice.
  • Cream together your butter and sugar until light and creepy.
  • Crack in both of your yellow eyes (eggs) and mix until combined, do not over mix as you will scramble the eggs (now that is scary!).
  • Sift in your crushed bone powder (self-raising flour) about 1/3 at a time until it is all combined.
  • Add in your vanilla extract and pour in your cow ectoplasm (milk).
  • Pop your mixture into your spook-cake cases, they should be mostly to half full.
  • Bake your spook-cakes for 15-20 minutes depending on your oven. 
  • Mix your drizzle ingredients together in a small bowl and drizzle over your spook-cakes as soon as they come out of the oven ( this keeps them moist)

  • Leave your spook-cakes to cool on a wire rack for 10-15 minutes.
  • To start your butter-scream combine your butter and icing sugar.
  • Add milk if needed to make the perfectly blood curdling butter-scream.
  • Once your spook-cakes are completely cooled, ice them. Personally, I used a piping bag with a star shaped nozzle and started from the outside, slowly working your way into the middle. 
  • Finally, decorate them with dripping red food colouring (blood) and gummy worms.
  • Enjoy an Erie night with your spookatular spook-cakes.
Hope you enjoyed this spooky recipe I loved making it! If you would like to see the full breack down of ingredients and more explanation on the vanilla cupcakes and butter cream check out my last two blog posts. 

Sunday 25 October 2015

Super Easy Butter Cream Recipe

Hi, welcome back to my blog. Here is the easiest butter cream recipe you will ever find. Please keep in mind this ices 12 cupcakes with a medium amount of icing.

You will need:
  • 100g Icing Sugar
  • 50g Unsalted Butter
  • 1/2 tbsp Milk 
  • Put your butter in the microwave for 10-20 seconds but do not melt it.
  • Put your butter in a bowl and gradually add your sifted icing sugar (mixing with a electric mixer is easier but you can do it by hand).
  • Add your milk if your butter cream is too thick or until you reach your desired consistency. If you add too much milk just add some more icing sugar.
  • If you need slightly more butter cream add more milk and then icing sugar until you have the perfect amount and consistency.
  • This butter cream takes really well to flavours and colours so, go wild! Personally I think orange, lemon and lime flavourings work really well with vanilla cupcakes.
  •  Try not to add too much butter cream on the cakes, it can get quite sickly but, obviously it's all down to your taste.
Hope you liked this easy butter cream recipe, please let me know if you made and if you liked it. Goodbye!

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Easy Vanilla Cupcakes

Hello everyone, this is my go to vanilla cupcake recipe which is super easy and even more tasty, in future recipes I will refer back to this one so make sure you master it! This recipe makes 12 cupcakes, get baking!

You Will Need:
  • 115g Unsalted Butter
  • 115g Self Raising Flour
  • 115g Caster Sugar
  •  2 Medium Eggs
  • 2 tsp Vannilla extract 

  •  Preheat your oven to 180 (fan) (gas mark 6/ 200C)
  • Line a cupcake tray with 12 cases of your choice.

  • Cream together your butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

  • Crack in both of your eggs and mix until combined, do not over mix as you will scramble the eggs.

  • Sift in your selfraising flour about 1/3 at a time until it is all combined.

  • Add in your vanilla extract.

  • Pop your mixture into your cupcake cases, they should be mostly to half full.

  • Bake your cupcakes for 15-20 minutes depending on your oven.
  • Leave your cupcakes to cool on a wire rack for 10-15 minutes.
  • Ice your cakes and serve to family and friends (or eat them yourself!) Enjoy! 
Hope you enjoyed my favourite vanilla cupcakes don't be put off by the amount of steps, these are super easy and soon you'll be able to make these with your eyes closed! Goodbye!

Sunday 18 October 2015

Baking Equipment List

Hi everyone, here is an equipment list for baking cupcakes, some things do not necessarily have to be used but will help you out in making delicious, light cupcakes. 

Whisk - Use this to mix in your eggs (or your egg whites if you added them first!). Also, if your butter is slightly melted (10-20 seconds in the microwave) it makes it easier to cream the butter and sugar together.

Mixing Spoons - These are so useful and don't have to have a specific use but, try to steer clear of wooden spoons they are very difficult to clean and often not cleaned properly, plus plastic spoons wash up better and last longer.

Large Mixing Bowl - This one is pretty obvious and does what is says on the tin but, has to be big enough so you don't decorate the kitchen walls with cake batter!

Plenty Of Teaspoons - I always find myself using at least 3 of these while baking. I use them for anything from rescuing unwanted pieces of eggshell to making sure I don't have too much flour. 

The Cutest Cupcake Cases You Can Find - You need these for your cupcakes to bake in, i have silicone ones that cost a little bit more than paper cases but, you can use over and over again.

Cupcake Baking Tray - Again, quite an obvious one just know this will definitely come in handy.

Sieve - Always swift your dry ingredients to avoid horrible lumps in your delicious cake.

Spoon With Holes In - As I mentioned in my last blog post use this when adding in dry ingredients, stirring in a figure of eight motion to work lots of air into the batter.

Cake tester or skewer - Use one of these to make sure your cakes are cooked by inserting a tester into the centre of your cakes and it should come out clean.

Weighing Scales - With baking you have to make sure you are pretty accurate with your measurements to get the best results.

Electric Mixer - You don't necessarily need this but it does make things a little easier and quicker.

Ice Cream Scoop - this makes sure your cakes are all the same size and makes transferring batter from the bowl into the cases less messy and slow.

Cooling Rack - After baking pop your cupcakes on a cooling rack. It lets cold air circulate which makes them cool down faster.

Silicone Mat - This makes sure your bowl never slips, they are super useful and not too expensive.

If you're still reading then great, I hope you enjoyed this post and it came as a use to you. Also, follow one of my closest friends she came up with the idea to blog and we inspired each other to start, so far her blog is amazing so please go follow her. Link below.

My Friend aka Box Of Chatter

Saturday 17 October 2015

Tiny Little Update

Hello everyone, this is going to be a tiny little update for you. As you probably know I posted my first ever blog yesterday. Today I have been working hard to make sure there will be new and exciting blogs to come. 

I am going to try and post a new blog very Sunday and Wednesday one of these will probably be a baking recipe and the other something else; we'll see how this goes; don't hold me to anything.

I absolutely love writing on my blog and would love to get your feedback whether that's questions or just a general comment.


P.S. I made Tanya Burr's chocolate Cookies the other day and they are so very yummy there will be a link below to them, go bake them!

Tanya Burr's Chocolate Cookies 

Friday 16 October 2015

Baking Tips and Tricks

Hi welcome to my very first blog and although this introduction was always going to be cheesy lets just pretend it's not. Here are my very own tips for all things baking. 

1st tip - Use the creaming method, although this may seem like a faff but believe me it makes all the difference in making your cakes super light and fluffy. If some of you are wondering what i am talking about, the creaming method means combining the butter and sugar together then adding your eggs and then any dry ingredients.

2nd tip -Add your egg whites first whisk then in, and then add your egg yolks. I like to do this with cupcakes and it makes them extremely light, it sound scary but let me explain. Crack your eggs in a small bowl and hold the egg yolks back with a teaspoon, or you could crack an egg into the palm of your hand and let the egg white drain through. But, doing this means your cakes will not rise as much as normal because there will be so much air in them, just keep that in mind.

3rd tip - Always buy the best vanilla extract you can afford. Vanilla flavouring does not add enough flavouring in my opinion. vanilla extract adds a more vanilla-ery flavour. Although your tastes may vary.

4th tip - Use a spoon with holes in when adding your dry ingredients. I known 'a spoon with holes in' isn't a technical term but i don't think it has a scientific name! When adding dry ingredients stir them in a figure of eight. This just make sure it is all mixed in and makes the cake light and fluffy.

5th tip - know your oven. I'm not talking know what it's think or anything else, it's if your oven normally overcooks things or under cooks them.   Personally my oven is relatively old so i generally bake them for a couple more minutes than it says.

6th tip - make sure your cakes are cooked.  You can do this by inserting a skewer into the centre of your cakes and if it comes out clean then they are cooked, you can also lightly press on the top and it should spring back but be careful they will be hot.

7th tip - Never be afraid of failure. when trying out a new recipe something is bound to go wrong don't get bummed down and give up if that happens.

8th tip - have fun! As cheesy as it sounds baking is a hobby and you are not on mastercheif, unless you are and then good luck and why are you reading this?