
Friday 16 October 2015

Baking Tips and Tricks

Hi welcome to my very first blog and although this introduction was always going to be cheesy lets just pretend it's not. Here are my very own tips for all things baking. 

1st tip - Use the creaming method, although this may seem like a faff but believe me it makes all the difference in making your cakes super light and fluffy. If some of you are wondering what i am talking about, the creaming method means combining the butter and sugar together then adding your eggs and then any dry ingredients.

2nd tip -Add your egg whites first whisk then in, and then add your egg yolks. I like to do this with cupcakes and it makes them extremely light, it sound scary but let me explain. Crack your eggs in a small bowl and hold the egg yolks back with a teaspoon, or you could crack an egg into the palm of your hand and let the egg white drain through. But, doing this means your cakes will not rise as much as normal because there will be so much air in them, just keep that in mind.

3rd tip - Always buy the best vanilla extract you can afford. Vanilla flavouring does not add enough flavouring in my opinion. vanilla extract adds a more vanilla-ery flavour. Although your tastes may vary.

4th tip - Use a spoon with holes in when adding your dry ingredients. I known 'a spoon with holes in' isn't a technical term but i don't think it has a scientific name! When adding dry ingredients stir them in a figure of eight. This just make sure it is all mixed in and makes the cake light and fluffy.

5th tip - know your oven. I'm not talking know what it's think or anything else, it's if your oven normally overcooks things or under cooks them.   Personally my oven is relatively old so i generally bake them for a couple more minutes than it says.

6th tip - make sure your cakes are cooked.  You can do this by inserting a skewer into the centre of your cakes and if it comes out clean then they are cooked, you can also lightly press on the top and it should spring back but be careful they will be hot.

7th tip - Never be afraid of failure. when trying out a new recipe something is bound to go wrong don't get bummed down and give up if that happens.

8th tip - have fun! As cheesy as it sounds baking is a hobby and you are not on mastercheif, unless you are and then good luck and why are you reading this? 


  1. I shall use these useful tips and tricks

  2. Love your new blog Lyeira cant wait for another post, and I will be using these tips when I next bake.

  3. These are such great tips - definitely going to have to bare them in mind when I'm next baking something as I'm not the best as it haha!

    The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. Also, welcome to the blogging world!

    2. Hello thank you very much for commenting and welcomming me ha ha blogging world is great so far!

  4. These r such great tips. I would never have thought of them! Had no idea ur so good at baking and giving tips!

    1. Hi Ellie i do love baking and I do baking almost every week there are recipes coming soon so you can see the full extent of my baking addition!
