
Wednesday 25 November 2015

Lemon Cupcake Recipe

Hello everyone, here is my personal favourite cupcake recipe; Lemon cupcakes. just a top tip, try to use unwaxed lemons as they give more flavour. This is also a collab with Box Of Chatter so check out her blog as she will be posting a review of these soon, link at the end to her amazing blog. This bakes 12 cupcakes.

You Will Need:

For The Cupcakes:
  • 115g Unsalted Butter
  • 115g Self Raising Flour
  • 115g Caster Sugar
  • 2 Medium Eggs
  • 2 mediam Unwaxed Lemon 
For The Icing:
  • Juice Of One Lemon
  • Icing Sugar (Around 100g)
  • Preheat your oven to 180 (fan) (gas mark 6/ 200C)
  • make your batter using the creaming method (if you would like the full break down of ingredients Click Here.  Although don't add the vanilla extract instead add the zest of both lemons and the juice of one lemon.
  • pop your batter in the tray and then in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes. 
  • Leave them to cool for 10 - 15 minutes.
  • make you drizzle by combining the two ingredients and drizzle a small amount over the cooled cupcakes.
  • Your done! Enjoy your cupcakes!
Hope you enjoyed this recipe and come back next time for a surprise blog and on the 1st of December for the first day of Cakemas! Defiantly go check out my friends blog (Click Here). 


Sunday 22 November 2015

New Snack - Pomegrante

Hello everyone I thought I'd start a new little series on this blog which includes easy recipes for healthy snacks which is a break from cupcakes. For this healthy snack all i used was pomgrante. This snack is so easy all you have to do is get the seeds out of your pomegranate (this is the hardest part) and then you just pop them in the freezer over night and in the morning you have a delicious snack ready to be eaten. If you have a sweet tooth like myself this is perfect because it really brings out the flavour and makes them that little bit more yummy. These would be perfect for a summer snack but pomegranates are a autumnal fruit so great for winter too.

Also, on the plus side pomegranates are packed with vitamin c and also believed to help lower the risk of breast and prostate cancer, which is an amazing added bonus! If your not a fan of pomegranate you could try experimenting with other frozen fruits because I think it really brings out the sweetness! 

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and if you made and enjoyed these I'd love to know. Also check out my friends blog she will be posting a review of these yummy snacks on the 29th of November so check that out also her blog is really amazing!


 My Friend's Blog

Wednesday 18 November 2015

12 Days Of Cakemas

Hello Everyone as you may of guessed by the title of this blog I will be doing the 12 days of Cakemas throughout December. During December there will be 6 festive recipes and 6 Christmas tips and hacks so you can have the best Christmas ever!

I know Christmas may seem far away but it's actually not too far away and even if you don't celebrate Christmas you may have a friend who does (you could tell them about Cakemas).

Theio 6 Christmas tips and hacks will be things such as:
  • DIY Christmas decorations
  • DIY Christmas gift ideas
  • Christmas tips 
  • How to stay organised
  • How to buy the best presents and not break the bank.
  • Some really nice websites to do your Christmas shopping.
  • How to wrap presents nicely
  • some other surprise blog! (which I definitely have got ideas for 
Now, I would be lying if I said i hadn't already brought 80% of my Christmas presents already and although this may seem extremely over prepared (and it is), it really helps to reduce stress on the build up to Christmas! 

Thank you for reading and come back on Sunday for another blog!

Thursday 12 November 2015

Pudsey (Children in Need) Inspired Cupcake Recipe

Hello everyone, Children In Need is such a brilliant cause so why not make cupcakes to raise awareness for it. The link to the official page will be at the bottom of this blog so please donate (only if you can) The live show will be on Friday 13th November (hopefully not unlucky though!) if you want to watch along. Anyway here are some Pudsey inspired cupcakes. To make these cupcakes extra special they will have a whole in the top which will be filled with smarties, sponge coloured yellow and decorations on top to make these cupcakes extra special. But don't worry they are still easy to make! Anyway sorry this intro is so long, let's just get into the baking! (This Bakes 24 cupcakes, the more the merrier! )

You Will Need:

For The Cupcakes:
  • 230g Unsalted Butter
  • 230g Self Raising Flour
  • 230g Caster Sugar
  • 4 Medium Eggs
  • 4 tsp Vanilla Extracts 
  • Yellow Food Colouring
For The Butter Cream:
  • 75g Unsalted Butter
  • 150g Icing Sugar 
  • Yellow Food Colouring 
  • Mini Smarties (or normal size one i just thought these where cuter!
  • Sprinkles!
  • Chocolate Chips
  • Preheat your oven to 180 (fan) (200C / gas mark 6). 
  • Make a simple vanilla cupcake batter, if you would like the full break down of ingredients Click Here.
  • Colour your batter yellow ( because obviously pudsey is yellow!) i made mine quite bright to make them extra special.
  • Seperate the batter among 24 cases and bake for 15-20 minutes.
  • Once your cakes are cooled cut out a small hole in the top and fill with treats of your choice, I used mini smarties and they looked super cute but.. don't through away the bit you cut out because those are going to be Pudsey's ears and cut Pudsey's ears in half so he has two!

  • Make your buttercream if you would like the full break down of ingredients (although use these measurements as we are baking 24 with not a massive amount of butter cream) Click Here.
  • Separate your butter cream colouring most of it yellow but still leaving some white.
  • Cover your secret smarties with the yellow butter cream, I used a piping bag to make it neater.
  • Using Butter cream as a glue place on both of Pudsey's ears.
  • Using the white Butter cream make a stripe from the middle of his head to the right side (as you are looking down at them) again I used a piping bag for this step.
  • decorate the white stripe with colourful sprinkles and there you have Pudsey's eye patch / bandage.
  • Add a chocolate chip on the other side as his eye you could also use these to make his nose and mouth.  

 Your Done! once again the link to the children in need official website will be down below and donate if you can! Hope you enjoy your cupcakes!    

Also go check out this blog; we are hopefully doing a collab soon! 


Wednesday 11 November 2015

Half blog / Update

Hello everyone I'm super sorry this is not a proper blog, more like a half blog or an update, and that it is like half an hour late.......... BUT there is a really exciting blog going up on either Thursday or Friday instead of Sunday and it's really exiting and I'm sooooo looking forward to baking them and sharing the recipe with you! If you can't tell already this is going to be a super chatty blog! Once again I'm super sorry that this blog is late and really short but hopefully the amazingness that is going to be either Thursday or Friday's blog will make it all ok. If you are new here please know not all of my blogs are like this and defiantly come back soon! Oh another quick thing this week I learnt the hard way that you shouldn't open the oven door while baking (R.I.P muffins... probably in baking hell from the way they tasted!) although this may seem obvious, it's not; especially when you forget what time they went in the oven and therefore it's all guess work. I obviously didn't want them to burn, so kept checking on them, oops!? At least know I now that either I've learnt a valuable life lesson or just to steer clear of muffins from now on... If you made to the end great! please let me know if you liked this style of chatty blog and I'll see you soon with a super amazing recipe! 

Sunday 8 November 2015

Baking Tips and Tricks 2

 Hello everyone, as you may or may not know my first ever blog post was my baking tips and tricks; as I have continued baking I found more that I'd like to share with you. So here are my second lot of baking tips and trick to make our lives a tiny bit easier.

  • Weigh out ingredients before baking - this will just make your life a little bit easy and stops your cake batter having to sit on  the side for a bit while you measure out ingredients.
  • Never ice a hot cupcake - your icing will melt and your beautiful swirl will be ruined and dripping down your cake.

  • When baking cookies leave them to cool -  they really need to cool on the baking tray for up to 30 minutes. Unlike cupcakes don't tranfer them onto a wire rack.

  • Roll your lemons before juicing them - when incorperating lemon into your cupcakes (i do this quite alot) try to buy unwaxed lemons and roll them with the palm of your hand before juicing to get the juices flowing.

  • Fruit in cakes will sink if too heavy - chop up fruit and anthing else you put in a cake. It has weight meaning it will stink. This annoyed me for years I now chop them up smaller to avoid sinking.

  •   Crack your eggs in to a bowl first - unless you are an expert at cracking in eggs without getting in a shell, do this

  •  know what fruits go with chocolate - although stawberrries dunked in chocolate are heaven on earth, they don't really taste nice together while baking. Raspberries go with chocolate soooo much better. Also, orange and lime go with chocolate but lemon does not  (these are my opinions and what I'd reconmend and trust me I've learnt the hard way.) 
Hope you enjoyed this blog post, link to my first baking tips and tricks Here! 

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Bonfire Night Cupcakes

Hello everyone Welcome back to my blog. So, it turns out one of my most viewed blogs is my halloween cupcake recipe. So, I thought I'd do another seasonal cupcake recipe! As you may or may not known over in England Bonfire night is comming up, but to be honest you could make these any time of year as they are very cute and easy.

You Will Need:

For The Cupcakes: 
  • 115g Unsalted Butter
  • 115g Self Raising Flour
  • 115g Caster Sugar
  • 2 Medium Eggs
  • 2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 tbsp Milk
  • 4 tsp Bright, Multicolour Sprinkles
For The Toffee Buttercream:
  • 45g Unsalted Butter
  • 90g Icing Sugar
  • Brown Food Colouring
  • 3 tsp Vanilla Extract.
Toppings (All of these are optional):
  • Popcorn
  • Mini Marshmallows
  • Popping Candy

  • Preheat your oven to 180 (fan) (gas mark 6 / 200C) and weigh out your ingredients.

  • Make your vanilla cake batter (If you could like the full breack down to make vanilla cake batter click here )
  • Add in your bright sprinkles they have to be bright other wise they don't shown up. I used around 4 tsp but it's down to your taste. (these are ment to resemble fireworks in your cupcakes and don't add flavouring just little dots of colour.)
  • Pop Your cupcakes in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

  • Once baked set your cupcakes on a wire rack to cool for 10-15 minutes.
  • Make your butter cream    (If you would like the full breack down to make the buttercream click here )

  • Mix together your food colouring (only a small amount) and vanilla extract. I couldn't find brown food colouring so i just mixed pink, blue and green togther.

  • Add a little at a time until you have a toffee / beige colour. (because you added extra vanilla extract it should taste a little toffee like although you could you flavouring, for actual melted toffee in your butter cream.)
  • Add your toppings (this is optional; personally, i tosted some honey popcorn under the grill for 2 minutes and added that. defintely worth it, it tasted amazing)

  • Your Done! Enjoy your cupcakes! 
Hope you liked this recipe and keep your eyes peeled for more in the fucture! Link to my Spookily Scary Halloween CupcakeHere!

Sunday 1 November 2015

Baking Haul!

Hello Everyone welcome back to my blog here are a few things i brought while shopping, and of course all baking related!

Cupcake Holder

This was the first thing I brought and I have to say it is my favourite! It holds 24 cupcakes and is really easily held, my favourite thing about it is that is makes sure the cupcakes don't get squashed.

This was on offer at Hobby Craft and in the sale! (£20 down to £10)

 Baking Notebook

I absolutely love this notebook and think it's super cute! It has 3 hot air balloons on and says "Dream Big" although i like to think it says dream blog! I organise all my blog ideas by when they are going to be posted, each blog has one page for an idea so I can easily write them down and see what is going up next!

 I think this was around £6 from Home Sense, I'd definitely recommend getting one of these to organise anything you like!

Autumnal Sprinkles

These Sprinkles are an adorable decoration to all bakes at my favourite time of the year. There are four different types; maple leaves in autumnal colours, pumpkins with black sprinkles, plain orange ones and orange and yellow dots.

These where around £3 from Home Sense and they are perfect for autumn baking.

Cupcake Cases

These are mint green with a scallop hem and are really cute! These are perfect for baking your favourite cupcakes. 

I think these where around £2 from Home Sense, although each stores products may vary. 

Hope you enjoyed this little blog post hope you had great October half term!